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Public Schools Lodges Council

OEL header stencil - crop - negative adj

Original stencil for producing the lodge's letterhead paper

The lodge is a member of the Public Schools Lodges' Council (PSLC), which represents some thirty five lodges meeting in London for old boys and current & former masters of various public schools. There is a lot of inter-visiting between PSLC lodges, and each year a Festival is held at one of the schools, which normally takes place on a Saturday during the summer term. OE Lodge last hosted the Festival in 2009, and previously in 1973 and 1935.  We are due to host it again in 2040.
In addition to the lodges there are also several units for other degrees, for those interested in pursuing them.


Public Schools Installed Masters No. 9077


Public Schools Royal Arch Chapter No. 2233
Carthusian Royal Arch Chapter No. 2885
Old Shirburnian Royal Arch Chapter No. 3304
Sir Thomas White Royal Arch Chapter No. 1820
Old Tauntonian Royal Arch Chapter No. 5735


Public Schools Mark Lodge No. 791
Eton & Harrow Mark Lodge No. 830


Public Schools Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No. 791


Public Schools Council of Royal & Select Masters No. 37


Public Schools Preceptory No. 209


Public Schools Rose Croix Chapter No. 181

The Old Wykehamist Rose Croix Chapter No. 184
Eton & Harrow Rose Croix Chapter


(c) 2008-2024 Old Etonian Lodge No.4500. All rights reserved

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